There’s More Than One Way To Skin A Cat

Posted By Alissa Parker / News / No Comments


There’s More Than One Way to Skin A Cat

After reading an article this morning posted by a respected member of the fitness community, and seeing the criticism posted, I was compelled to add my two cents. I did not disagree with the information posted in the article. I felt it was a totally effective way to go about producing results. The critics felt it wasn’t a necessary approach. The bottom line is …it was a means to an end, but perhaps not the only means.

There are SEVERAL diets out there, and I think that most of them work…If they are followed. The best and most effective diet out there is, drum roll please,
The one you can actually follow!!!

If you can’t stick to 5-6 meals a day, cut carbs, or eat the exact same thing everyday of your life. then find a way to work around your habits and preferences, so it is something you can live with long term. Diets don’t work for people when you stop and start, and lose and gain repeatedly. If staying lean, healthy and fit is your goal, then you need a plan that doesn’t make you feel deprived all the time. That is a recipe for disaster. If you’re looking for a way to make a change do some research and see what kind of approach would make the most sense for your lifestyle and your habits.

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